If you're coming this year and you haven't arranged for somewhere to stay then get in touch at:
The format is:
Friday night in Glasgow, Saturday and Sunday night camping on Great Cumbrae, that's right TWO nights on the island. We've decided the stress of trying to get everyone off the island in time for the last ferry on Sunday night is too much hassle so it's two nights under canvas or possibly jail or hospital.
Bike Booty is no more so you'll need a floor to crash on in Glasgow so get in touch and we can allocate you a small area of alcohol soaked carpet.
We usually throw up a make-shift shelter on the Island but this is the West Coast of Scotland and things can get wet so bear that in mind when you're deciding whether or not to pack a tent. There is a reasonably priced Hotel and loads of B&B's in Millport which some people choose to stay in, if this is you're sort of thing then arrange it yourself. You can find info by clicking the Great Cumbrae link over there >.
More details to follow but if you're planning on coming you probably know what to expect.