I’m out.
It’s been four years of badly organised mayhem that has somehow always worked out okay in the end and it’s been a whole barrel of laughs along the way. Apart from the logistical nightmare of living in London I worry more and enjoy myself less each year so I’ve decided ( definitely for this year, probably forever ) to give it a rest and concentrate on other slap-dash courier events. Each year I do less and less as more folk step in and help so I don’t think it’ll be the end of Millportpoloco. I’ve already heard a few murmurs from certain people wanting to do something this year so I hope it happens. It’s not really that difficult just set a date, delegate as much stuff as you can get away with then start panicking a week beforehand.
If it goes ahead this year I’ll post the dates on here and hopefully someone will take over posting extra info and answering emails.
Thanks to everyone from all over the world who came to Millpocalypse while it was my baby. My personal favourite was Millpocalypse 2007 after the Dublin CMWC.
Millportpoloco/Millpocalypse I love you, but I hate you and I hope you have a long and happy life without me.
