I just noticed there is no explaination of what actually happens at a Millportpoloco so for the uninitiated here's a brief run down.
FRIDAY - URBAN KEIRIN :The Friday night events take place in the city of GLASGOW ( 2006 European capital of Drug abuse, knife crime and heart disease ) but don't let that put you off we'll be in the posh part. James Tait ( yes that Jaimzey Tait ) is responsible for this night, last year he put on some fine local bands in the Halt Bar followed by Night Keirin around Park Circus, despite the late start this is still a live traffic event, as
Selim found out last year. He was fine, his bike wasn't.Expect more of the same this year.
SATURDAY - MILLPORT :This is when the weekend really gets started. Our destination is the island of
Great Cumbrae a one hour train ride and 15 min ferry trip away. We leave Glasgow at 10:30am and arrive in Millport, the island's only town, at around midday. The town has everything we need food and drink wise so all you'll need is a bike and a tent and clean underwear if you're posh.

The main event is a ten mile individual time-trial around the coast road ( there is only one other road so you can't go wrong ) this is a bit different for couriers who are used to starting and stopping a lot but the scenery is beautiful if you decide halfway round that you've shot yer bolt. An added feature this year is the track tandem Bike Booty are supplying, this means that at any point during the day two person teams can put in a time around the island, bear in mind the start/finish line is on the pier and the tandem is not drilled for a brake. When the time-trial finishes (usually late afternoon) we go and set up camp then the island is yours to explore, which at Millportpolocos 1 and 2 has meant go to The Tavern and sample their £1 whisky. Then there's the huge campfire and some sort of musical entertainment that goes on far too late.
SUNDAY - RANDOM ACTS :Sunday has no fixed program of events.At Millportpoloco 1 it was track bike events (skids, stands, circles) which unfortunately were cancelled due to the massive casualty rate from the night before*.

Then last year was the alleycat laid on by James with the infamous swimming checkpoint. So at the present time Sunday's events haven't been decided but prizegiving will take place at the end of it.
*see upcoming 2005 report for full details