After devoting minutes of brainpower trying to come up with a really cool name for the TANDEM we have finally decided on "Dandy Horse"... "what!?" I hear you cry, you don't think that's a cool sounding name? Well let me fill you in on the history:
In 1839 Kirkpatrick MacMillan a Scottish blacksmith added a treadle pedal system to the current ' Boneshaker ' velocipedes that were propelled by pushing along the ground with your feet, thus he created the daddy of the modern pedal bicycle. These were called Dandy Horses.
Kirkpatrick never filed a patent so other so-called 'inventors of the bicycle' dispute his title. What is on record in newspaper archives is that in 1842 he was fined for hitting a pedestrian while travelling at 8mph. So although there may be many claims to inventing the bicycle, there can be no dispute that the first person to get a ticket was a Scotsman... put that in your Dandy Horse and smoke it!