Despite trying to keep our event underground we seem to be getting a bit of a name for ourselves. Although we welcome any publicity, if word gets around too much it'll ruin the guerilla nature of Millportpoloco. The reason it's been such a success is we don't attract the sort of people who are going to complain if the events start late ( or on a different day ) or if their tent gets a little singed in the crossfire. This year Millpocalypse Now was free entry for fuck sake, that's how much we do it for the kids. Actually now would be a good time to thank our sponsors House of Pistard and Bike Booty without whom there probably wouldn't have been any prizes this year.
Fortunately all the coverage we're getting is on sites that are underground themselves...the moment the mainstream catches on it's time to pack our shit up and move to a new island.
Anyway the point is, Thank You to all the sites below for mentioning us:
MOVING TARGETCYCLETRACK46-18BIKEBUSFYXOMATOSISSMEEARALLEYCAT.HUALLEYCATRACINGTHE SLOG And thanks to everyone who came this year, tell your friends...but not too many of them.
The Millportpoloco organising(?) committee.

This image had to be photoshopped because like most successful creative partnerships they can't stand being in the same room as each other.